I found out I was pregnant on October 31st, 2009-Halloween. We were ecstatic. I couldn't believe it. I got up early (like 5 am-ish) to test. I honestly did not expect it to be positive. I was only 11 days past ovulation and figured it would be too early to test, but I was wrong. I peed on the stick and I was sittin' on the toilet kind of trying not to look at the lines, but I couldn't wait anymore and looked. I had to do a double take. I even rubbed my eyes. But there it was TWO big fat lines. I jumped up and jumped onto the bed to tell Aaron. I shook him awake and told him to come to the bathroom. We had been putting up a cabinet in the bathroom the day before and couldn't figure it out so we were leaving it until the next day to finish. So his response to me asking, "guess what?!" was "oh did you finish putting up the cabinet?" haha! He is always a little off when he's half asleep and it's 5 in the morning. I said, "no! guess what?!" He says, "You're pregnant." "YES!" He says, "I knew it." The rest of the day went something like this...went to costume castle to get our costumes for my mom's party. I finally bought the Marilyn Monroe dress that I always wanted to wear. I got home tried it on again, and bawled my eyes out onto Aaron's chest. He was laughing a little because it literally came out of nowhere. I was crying because I hated the costume because I didn't think it looked good on at that particular moment. WOW pregnancy hormones are crazy. So then I ended up going back out to Party City and got cat ears or something. I don't even remember what it was haha.
At the party, I really wanted to tell my mom, but I was scared to for fear of losing it. I didn't want to cause an upset. Luckily, I don't drink very often so when I declined drinks, it's nothing out of the ordinary.
Over the next week, I went on as normal. I wasn't exactly sure of the "protocol" of things. And I was in between doctors. I told my friend at work, who has a 2 year old, and she was like my pregnancy coach. She told me what to do as far as what I should and should not be doing now, and that I needed to visit my doctor. I went that wednesday got bloods done. Then went back on friday to get more bloods done to see if my levels increased. They did, but not as much as they should. I was told to refrain from sex and to take it easy. But came monday morning, I had cramps and a big clot came out when I went pee. Called Dr. and went in for more blood tests, and sure enough my levels had gone down dramatically. Then I had to go back in a week later and get bloods again to make sure my levels went back to zero. They had.
All I really remember was just crying. Crying a lot. I was so sad/mad/pissed/everything else! I want nothing more in this world than to have a baby. I finally got pregnant, and then my dream was shattered. I was so angry.
In retrospect, we probably shouldn't have tried so soon after the traumatic experience of Aaron being hurt. But Aaron and I are the "want what we want when we want it" kind of people.
Even though we miscarried, we were given the green light to try again right away....
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