Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Taking Control...

I am officially taking control of my fertility.

I've suffered through three miscarriages in the last 9 months. A subject matter that I will delve into when I feel up to it.

But for right now, NO MORE! I hated my last doctor. She didn't provide me with any answers or even a sympathetic smile. So I have moved on from her and am seeing another OBGYN to figure out what the heck's wrong with my body. I'm just sick of not knowing what's going on. It's MY body, and I have a right to know.

The reason for all of this is that I am an avid blogger, and all the ladies there seemed to all have the same advice for me-get a new doctor! And they are right. I read all of their stories and they all know what's going on with their bodies, and here I am just sitting and listening to my doctor like a good little girl.

The appointment is on September 8th. Aaron will be back by then, and hopefully he will be able to go with me. I still am not comfortable with blood and needles. Though, with fertility trouble, I suppose I will have to get used to it. But for now, I need Aaron's goofy humor while being stuck with those needles.

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